Nderstand and believe in my recommendation. The more understanding and belief on the part of the customer, the more sales are made. Your natural curiosity creates a positive ripple effect in conversations that drive sales . Business proposal template Leave your email and receive it for free! Build better relationships with your customers Because the top-performing salesperson is naturally curious, they genuinely care about
the client to open up and talk about themselves without consequences. When human Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List beings talk about themselves, dopamine, the neurotransmitter of pleasure, is released. The dopamine incited by the feeling of being heard makes people feel good. As the curious sales rep does it automatically, he is usually a very nice person. His curiosity means he has the best relationship with his clients, better conversations and more closed deals .

Develop better communication skills The insatiably curious sales consultant speaks at least languages: the one who directs, the one who expresses, the one who analyzes and the one who complies. These are the top languages of learning, driven by human social style trends. Because a high-level representative asks many questions early and often, he quickly learns his prospect's social style and adjusts the way he