Breathing difficulties; sweating; dry mouth; nausea or vomiting; headache; diarrhea; dizziness or lightheadedness; ringing in the ears. Psychological symptoms seizure; excessive fear; restlessness; insomnia; inability to relax; catastrophic thoughts; concern about future misfortunes. Treatments for anxiety It is worth keeping in mind that the diagnosis of anxiety is clinical, that is, based on the analysis of symptoms. Since many people have physical symptoms, your doctor may order some tests to rule out other illnesses. Treatment varies greatly depending on each condition, but usually includes psychotherapy, cultivating healthy habits and complementary therapies. In some cases, it may be necessary to treat with medication, but this is not a rule. Anxiety in the pandemic When we are talking about external factors that can interfere with people's emotional balance, we cannot fail to mention the side effects caused by the pandemic. A study carried out by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and published by The Lancet magazine, showed that social isolation and the pandemic had a (great) impact on people's mental health.
Cases of depression increased by 90% and the number of people reporting symptoms such as anxiety attacks and acute stress more than doubled between March and April 2020. In companies, everything changed suddenly, as many had to adopt a home office regime and employees were forced to adapt. The new reality brought, in addition to social isolation, new ways of communicating and working, which also contributed to increased anxiety at work. Many people reported exhaustion, that they were working more than before the pandemic and felt fatigued by too many video conferences. It is worth DM Databases mentioning that working from home during the pandemic is completely different from working from home under normal living conditions, which is why many found it difficult to adapt. Not to mention the fear of being fired, which has become a sad reality for many who became unemployed during the pandemic and needed to reinvent themselves. Why prevent and treat anxiety at work? Unfortunately, some companies still have an outdated mentality and ignore the fact that mental health disorders affect (a lot) not only employees, but the growth of the organization as a whole.

This is not just a problem for the person suffering from the disease, but rather an issue that affects the financial balance and development of the company. According to the INSS, more than 200 thousand Brazilians were removed from the job market in 2017 due to mental disorders. Have you ever stopped to think about how much companies lose from this? Around R$207 billion is the value lost by organizations due to psychological illness, absences and low productivity. This is why preventing and treating anxiety at work is everyone's responsibility and must be analyzed very carefully. Every time an employee falls ill, their motivation and productivity may be reduced. In more serious cases, the need for temporary leave ends up resulting in the need to replace the professional and, often, this can cause work overload for other employees. It is clear, therefore, that no one wins. The sooner companies pay attention to the needs of psychological bias, the better it will be for everyone involved in the organization's growth.