Analysis of the target market from SEO I would like to highlight that all the reports that we are seeing in this guide and that you have in the Google Analytics panel that I have shared with you are already filtered so that they only represent data from Google search engine visits. This is not a minor note, because this is another context with which we are constantly playing. Can you duplicate my panel and adapt it to Adwords or social media views? Yeah What do you gain? Context It's key? Indeed, and for this let's see it in this particular case We have a graph like this: demographic analysis.
Okay, here we have represented the structure Special Database and distribution of our potential clients (in the case of an ecommerce) or our readers (in the case of a blog) when they come from SEO. And this is the key part of all this, because just because they come from SEO does not mean that they should be representative of the overall online marketing strategy. If we create another duplicate panel where we compare the visits in this same report that come from social media, Adwords or email marketing , we will be able to better understand the engagement we generate in each marketing channel and, based on this, jointly analyze the entire strategy.
Business. We will detect similarities and differences, which when seen in more detail can say a lot about the guidelines to follow in the corporate strategy. Returning to the case that concerns us, that of SEO, we will see in this graph if our content is more interesting to women or men, and at a second level, to the age group that is most interested in turn. Enough information at a glance! The next and obligatory reflection is to adapt this profile of users, readers or potential clients with the type of objectives, company or blog that we have in hand. At the risk of sounding boring..