本帖最後由 seobanglade9 於 2024-1-31 18:03 編輯
manage to understand which type of snippet best suits the topic of your page, you will be able to organize your content more efficiently and thus have a chance to get such featured snippets. We present the four types of featured snippets, together with the information obtained by SEMrush following the study dedicated to them. The four types of featured snippets 1. Paragraphs A paragraph-type featured snippet usually provides a short and concise definition, a point information about a certain topic, the meaning of a certain concept, etc. This type is the most frequent (70% of cases) and includes, on average, 42 words / 249 characters. 2. Lists Lists can be used to create hierarchies and charts, to explain the steps of a process, or to identify different types of products or services. They can be numbered, in a certain order, or with bullets.
After paragraphs, they are the most frequent featured snippets (19.1%). Generally Special Data displays 6 list items in approx. 44 words . Featured Snippets - SEO 365 (example 2) 3. Tables This type of snippet helps users to more easily visualize various data, organized by columns and rows. They appear less often (in 6.3% of cases), probably also because the tables are less often integrated directly into the content on the sites. There may be an opportunity here. Generally, 5 rows and 2 columns are displayed – so simple, small tables. 4. Videos If a video provides the best answer for a search, we will have such a featured snippet in the SERP. Although they appear less often (4.6%), they are useful in how - to queries .

How to optimize content to get featured snippets? Based on the data already presented, you may have been able to draw some conclusions. There are ways you can optimize and develop your content to increase your chances of landing it in the top spot. e will use fragments of your content as a featured snippet. However, there is a lot of dynamism in terms of SERP features , and you can always take such a place if you provide the right answers and type of content. Featured Snippets - SEO 365 (2) Here are some recommendations to increase your chances of reaching the zero position: 1. Optimize the format and structure of the content: Featured snippets often come from pieces of content that directly answer a question. Use bulleted or numbered lists, tables, and subheadings to structure content. Useful: the best performing type of content, which gets featured snippet, has an average of 1100+ words , being structured on 14.5 subheadings (H1, H2, H3). This article has 17 titles and subtitles.