Simply put, it is the sum of the impressions a user experiences while using a website, such as a website or an online store. As you can easily guess, these impressions should be as pleasant as possible to him. Therefore, their creators should first design them in a user-oriented way (it even has a name, user-centered design). As per the hypothesis, there is a strong emphasis on users’ positive feelings towards the brand and product while using good UX practices. Such as: understanding user needs (different users have different needs to the broadest possible extent), making decisions based on research, testing, testing, testing, using previously established patterns, adhering to good web design principles. Key phrases.
A concept strictly related to positioning ( ), i.e. website optimization for search engines. use when C Level Contact List searching for you. So, if you sell low-price shoes, the phrases you should target are shoes, cheap shoes, cheap shoe store, etc. Typically, choose at least a dozen of these phrases so that you can fully penetrate the industry. It is important to always conduct detailed research before choosing a phrase list.

It turns out that other people may be looking for information on the Internet in completely different ways than you are. You can read more about and phrases in our articles here and here . meta tag. These tags are placed as code in the header of the page. They are used to describe a website and inform search engine robots about its content. They usually contain: key phrase, description, code type and version, creation date, author. Tracking code. It is a script snippet pasted into the website code to track and analyze user behavior.