Sources of subscribers. In this section we see where new people came to the channel. Languages. Here you can see what languages your audience speaks. Activity. Statistics of reposts and views for the selected period. Telegram channel statistics Telegram channel statistics What is the difference between audience and subscription growth graphs? For example, in a week 100 people unsubscribed from the channel, and another 110 subscribed. On the “Subscribers” chart, 2 peaks will appear – 100 unsubscribes and 110 subscriptions. At the same time, the “Growth” graph will hardly change, because the difference is only 10 people. Telegram bots This method allows you to evaluate not only your own, but also other people’s channels according to a number of indicators.
In Telegram, there are many bots for analytics of telegram channels that can collect and analyze data. Bots are excellent assistants in automating analytics processes. For example, you can use a bot to collect feedback from users or to track mentions of your brand in other Web Development Services channels and groups. You can set the bot to collect keywords or phrases and receive notifications every time your name is mentioned in a conversation. Before you start using the bot, send it a link to your channel or any publication from your channel. The bot will collect all the information and send the result in the form of a message or image.

The most relevant bots today: Stat telemetry Crosser Bot Datafan All these bots will collect information and analyze telegram channels for free. Let's take a closer look at the functionality of one of them. Datafan_bot is a bot for channel analytics in Telegram. It provides various metrics that help the user analyze and improve the performance of their channel or group. This bot collects statistics only from channels and groups with 400 or more participants. To start using it, you need to send a link to a channel or group.