Expanding their range of products and offering their customers the best possible services" , said Cristi Movilă, president of ARMO. 66% of Internet users in Romania made at least one purchase online in 2022 According to the INS , 66% of internet users placed at least one online order in 2022, up by 8.7 percentage points from 57.3% as recorded in 2021. Strictly from this point of view, Romania surpassed Bulgaria (41%), Turkey (42%) and Italy.
According to Eurostat data. At the same time, it should be noted that privae studies carried out this year indicate that the percentage of Romanian internet users who would have ordered at least once online in the last year has Job Function Email List already reached 79%. In addition to domestic online stores, 25% of respondents also bought from online stores , up from 21% in 2021 - according to the iSense Solutions study for GPeC conducted in September 2022.

At European level, in the last 10 years the number of online shoppers has increased by 20 percentage points from The most important increases in the last decade were registered in: Estonia () According to Eurostat, the 3 most important categories of products and services ordered online in 2022 at European level were: Clothing and footwear (including accessories and sporting goods) – 42% Deliveries from restaurants, fast food or catering services.