Donate to your unique content Merchandising Sell your own merchandise or use an affiliate program to sell merchandise from other companies. Participating Partner Program Participating Partner Program earns additional revenue through views and ads. Important Nuances of Advertising Price The price of advertising depends on many factors. Besides its obvious number of subscribers and views the solvency of the audience and the topic of the channel are also.
Important. Topics with Expensive Advertising Business Finance Car last database Games Life Hacks Cooking and Recipes Cosmetics and Beauty Monetization Quality When you upload your video to Ads will be shown if they meet the monetization rules. In this case the author will receive a share of the profits. However if the video contains information about gambling, weapons or tobacco then monetization will be restricted which will.

Significantly reduce revenue. Additionally, monetization may be limited if advertisers do not want their ads to appear on the videos in question. Additionally if the algorithm determines that the ad placement in the video is unacceptable to the advertiser then monetization will be disabled and the author will not receive any profit. For example, ads won't be shown if the video contains shocking footage or conspiracy theories. So for it to make money from videos you need to.