So what date and time should you choose to send your next email? This is what we will see in the rest of this article! What are the best days of the month to send an email? According to an Omnisend study published in and carried out on more than billion emails, it is worth sending your emails in the first weeks of the month. The best days of the month to send an email As the chart shows, the th, th and th days of the month on average perform better in terms of open rate and clickthrough rate. The fifth day of the month seems to be the most effective with an average of over open rate and clickthrough rate.
Note a peak in terms of click rate for day which displays a score of almost ., well above Mexico Phone Number Data the other days despite a lower opening rate. A quick analysis of this data clearly shows us that the first days of the month are preferred for emailing. Conversely, the last week of the month seems to be best avoided with figures well below average. Interestingly, this same study tends to demonstrate that days , and obtain the best figures in terms of sales following an email. What are the best days of the week to send an email? As usual in marketing, studies tend to say everything and its opposite.

In reality, unfortunately there is no miracle recipe that works for all markets and all audiences. This depends on several factors, even if major trends emerge in these studies. Tuesday has long been considered the best day to send an email. But over the years and studies carried out, Thursday has now become the best performing day in terms of opening and click rates . Why this change? This is certainly linked to the fact that Tuesday has become the preferred day for sending emails. All advertisers have integrated this information and configured their campaigns accordingly, thus overloading mailboxes on Tuesdays.