But I had a goal in mind and definitely wanted to achieve more
本帖最後由 mebrokenheard11 於 2024-3-12 14:52 編輯I wrote as many texts as I could, created new websites and also started branching out from the t-shirt market and creating websites on all sorts of topics. I used HTML templates and worked with Dreamweaver until I discovered WordPress. In October I earned around 30 euros, in November 200, in December it was over 500 euros, just from T-shirts and a little Adsense. The birth of seocracy So it went on. A decisive experience was when I wrote a website about how best to create a company homepage and then presented it (to get the link) in a web designer forum.
There was a hail of insults and I gave up on the idea. So I wrote a blog about “creating a India Car Owner Phone Number List homepage” and over time the topic changed more and more towards SEO. On January 18th, “Firmenhomepage-erstellen.de” (a lousy name!) became the blog Seocracy. That was actually an incredibly bold move because I didn't have much knowledge of SEO myself. But I didn't think anything of it and, above all, I thought it was a good idea to grow together with the blog. Every time I discovered something new and it had a good effect, I would write a post about it - I still do that today. A good decision back then, however, was to call myself “Seocracy” and not “Seocrats”. But I knew from the start that I wasn't allowed to specifically mention any of my projects, otherwise I would be exposed as a newbie.
Do you want to see a gem from my early days? Here you go. No changes since then. Work, work, work I worked from morning to evening. If I did something in the evening, I would work until 7 or 8 o'clock. If I didn't go out, my working hours were about. It was also motivating: I finally earned money on the Internet! My hourly wage back then was around 50 cents.I enjoyed the work, so why not? If you consider that a few weeks ago on vacation in Crete I earned more than the money for the vacation without work , then I think that I have already reached the first stage.