I’m not creative” Are you not convinced
And you should constantly try to write better content than you have had before, to create better content. This means that the topic of content marketing is incredibly important. Bringing really good content to your website, maybe starting with social media, or doing video marketing, for example. All of these things are really incredibly good for increasing your popularity or the popularity of your website. In addition, you have the advantage that this is not forbidden according to Google guidelines. Of course, Google is also happy when you do something like that.And then you are the best / Well, the core message is actually: You should try to be the Special Data best website on the Internet, on your specific topic and then it is the case that Google will love you and automatically sooner or later you will become one Get a good ranking if you also do the SEO basics. And then everything is paletti.“I’m not creative,” “I can’t think of anything,” “I can’t do it” — Mimimi: Stop it! You can be creative when you want or when you have to. You can practice creativity at the touch of a button and I'll show you how.
In my blog post you will find out what creativity techniques are suitable for, which techniques you can use alone or in a group and how you can boost your creativity for even better content. creativity-can-be-learned-with-creativity-techniques Straight to the creative techniques: Brainwriting as a 6-3-5 method 5 Why? Associations/stimulating words Compulsory connection Wishful thinking Morphological box Future newspaper article “I’m not creative” Are you not convinced that you can be creative at the moment? It's still you.