Ignoring exclusions
I assume that the advertising system of Facebook and Instagram is so internally complicated, and there are so few materials directly from Facebook that would explain how to do campaigns right, that it is difficult to call it a mistake. Rather, it is about certain omissions. Because someone doesn't know how to do it right. So is this really a mistake? But this is a purely philosophical problem, so maybe let's start with something completely different.Ignoring exclusions in targeting Namely, if you were to point out one, the America Cell Phone Number List most basic error or omission that you encounter when entering a new ad account, what would it be and how to remedy it? JK: However, I will stick to the name "error", because it is closest to the goal. So the most common mistake in advertising is omitting any exclusions. In general, in target audiences.
And the customers or potential customers whose accounts we audit very often do not think about the fact that their customer, who has just made a purchase, may not be willing to come back in the near future. And these exclusions are most often missing. That is, former clients. In some industries it is not a big problem. Especially if these are some fast moving goods, like, say, coffee. You can actually buy it every two weeks because we like what we ordered the first time, so we will order it.