Protecting your company's brand:
What is a brand? The brand is not a simple sign. It is in fact an integral part of your company's identity, because it allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors, to be easily identifiable to your customers and to give consistency to your products or services. It must be represented graphically and can take the form of a word, a slogan, a logo, an acronym, a sentence, a letter, a number (or a series of numbers) or even a drawing. Why is it important to protect your brand? Branding is very important to a business, so it is imperative that it is protected. By filing it with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), you obtain ownership rights over it and you benefit from an operating monopoly for 10 years (renewable). So, if it is copied in the same or similar way by third parties, you can obtain legal protection and pursue an infringement action. By registering your brand, you also have the possibility of leaving it to other people, creating a network of franchisees or developing licenses. You will therefore be able to obtain income. As long as your trademark is notregistered and you use it, it remains a “use mark” and has no legal value. If someone uses it, you have no recourse and its exclusivity may be lost if filed by a third party. How do you go about protecting your brand reliably ? There are several steps in the trademark Telemarketing Data List registration process. You must first check that it is available. This identical prior art search can be carried out on the INPI register, which brings together all registered trademarks. This is an important step because it will help you avoid possible legal action in the future. For a prior similarity search , which requires extensive research, you can place an order with the INPI. The second step consists of assigning classes to your products or services (Nice classification) on the INPI portal. It allows you to delimit your brand through choices of areas of activity. Once these two steps have been completed, you can register on the INPI portal.
You must then complete a form and provide the requested documents related to your request (logo, photo, drawing, etc.). Finally, you still have to pay the administrative costs which amount to 190 euros for filing a trademark in a class, to which are added 40 euros per additional class. If your registration is validated, your brand is made public for 2 months to allow other owners to possibly object if they have a brand identical or similar to yours. If everything goes correctly, your brand is officially protected and joins the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI). You then obtain a registration certificate. If the INPI notices problems on your file, you can either regularize it, withdraw or file a challenge. If you notice fraudulent use of your trademark despite its registration, you can take the decision to monitor it. This service offered by the INPI allows you to defend the industrial property of your company if an alert is given. You will be able to carry out seizures and take legal action. Registering your trademark therefore allows you to protect it legally and effectively. It gives you an operating monopoly and makes the image of your company unique. If your activity also concerns abroad, it will be necessary to extend the protection of your brand to the European or international level.