Not every link or mention landed will do
And that’s where brand marketing is important. By reaching the prospect while they are not in the market to buy, including during their exploration phase, you increase the likelihood that they’ll remember you when they decide it’s time to purchase. But SEO is a demand capture channel. It can’t affect this. Turns out it can. Publicity: SEO’s secret weapon BrightonSEO hosted a Q&A with Google’s John Mueller in October. One of the questions pitched at him was, “Is digital PR link spam?” Mueller answered: “I think a lot of digital PR is really fantastic. By creating something fantastic that’s aligned with the rest of your website that is interesting for a broader audience. I think that is fantastic.” In his book, “Product Led SEO,” Eli Schwartz points out: “Some of the best link builders I know build their links by using PR methods.Your goal should always be DB to Data attention. Remember, for backlink-building success, think PR first, links second.” I’m lucky enough to work for a digital PR agency that has started an SEO side. So, I have a team of link builders and PRs at my disposal and a shed load of data to look at. I can look at every campaign we launch and see if/ how digital PR lifts a brand’s search. And it does. Publicity fuels brand search and links.this; the key is contextual relevance. Landing a media link and gaining publicity are two entirely different things. The idea of digital PR is that the topic placement is brand-relevant when you acquire a link. In other words, you want some readers to see your brand name and be interested enough to search for you. Monthly search volume over time Now, let’s be clear.
Many in SEO will criticize this approach. I’ve had SEOs admit to buying links. Some actually prefer to buy links than do digital PR. But we are marketers, first and foremost. No one hires an SEO because they want to buy links and niche edits. They hire SEOs because they want sales, and it’s our job to maximize our budgets to grow a greater share of search. But what happens if we don’t grow share of search? Get the daily newsletter search marketers rely on. Business email address Get Search Engine Land in your inbox. See terms. A brand’s mental availability is everything Mental availability is the likelihood of your brand being considered in a buying situation. And this is key for growth.